
Editing and Proofreading Needed

Editing and Proofreading Needed

Looking for a native English speaker to help me edit and proofread pre-written articles/pages. My budget is $6 per 1000 words.

Thank you


ConverMust be able to:

  • Rearrange sentences/paragraphs
  • Identify and correct word trails and run on sentences
  • Fix spelling, grammar and punctuation errors
  • Convert passive sentences to active voice

Skills Required

Writing Editing Proofreading


i meet your requirements - i would like to give this a try, depending on the amount of editing that is needed for each article. if the editing is too extensive, of course, $6 per 1000 words would not be what i would consider fair, but i would like to try one or two articles, and see if my skills are what you are looking for. i have very good

hi. i can do all that you require. i would like to give it a try. i think the price is also fair enough for editing a 1000 word article and i am ok with the price. i would like to do this article, so you can see if my skills are apt for this job. i am sure you would be satisfied since i work as a full-time seo optimized content writer and

Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Articles

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