
Buyer liaison expert for inporting assignment

Buyer liaison expert for inporting assignment

Your job is to get the following information,as our Buyerliaison expert. 1: A “letter of interest” from each buyer/ importer, isrequired. With the buyers’full contact information on it, an example letter will be attached to your
welcome message after you express interest in this position. That means you
will contact the buyer, directly yourself on our behalf. We are not interested
in scrap lists of phone numbers or “importing company” names, we have enough. 2) Our negotiation/logistics manager will make contact with yourpotential buyer directly, after the “letter of interest” is received from your buyer. And you have forwarded that letter to us,our logistics manager will also confirm all basic details with the buyer
directly. That is the full extent of this position, obtain the required letter, that expressthe buyers’ interest in negotiating an international trade deal with LensCap
Ltd. LensCap Ltd will be the product Sourer, broker, negotiator, Logistics, and bankingcoordinator. 3)Also, after we have completed a few deals together, we can
discuss partnership arrangements between us, this will increase your income
dramatically and bring you on board as a member of our internationally diverse,
unique and highly qualified team. Also please remember we only deal in large amountsof product; Metric tons are our focus. We are not interested in competing with
DHL, one off courier deliveries services. Also, one last point, please do not
negotiate a personal commission between yourself and the buyer, as our focus is
speed of service, quality of product and the lowest cost possible, we are all
working as a team to ensure team success, and every member of the team will benefit equallyfrom each deal. Hope this information gives you the insight to share our vision andsuccesses We look forward to working with you in this extremely competitive bur highly rewarding venture Sincerely Director Telly PaulLensCap Ltd


You will contact the buyer, directly yourself on our behalf.
We will will provide nessary guidance and document.

Skills Required

Business Client Motivated


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Bid On Listing Created 5 years ago in Other

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