
Get 50 Comments for Blog Posts or Social Media Posts for $5

100% (37)
Attention: The owner of this service has not logged into WordClerks for more than 30 days. It is highly recommend that you contact them before ordering this service. Last Login: 1002 days ago

Get 50 Comments for Blog Posts or Social Media Posts

Get 50 Comments for Blog Posts or Social Media Posts
Do you publish your own blog? (Not forum. Blog.)

Are you experiencing what QuickSprout refers to as silent blog syndrome?


  • Quality comments improve organic search results and can help drive traffic to your blog.
  • Quality comments become a part of your quality content and make your site very attractive to search engines.

Did you know that people who do organic searches can sometimes find your blog because others left comments on your blog posts?

  • Are you a newbie blogger getting few or no comments?
  • Are you an established blogger but would like more comments on your posts?
  • Do you publish content via social media and want more comments?

* * *
Many customers who ordered this service were very pleased. This is a combination service. Includes blog post comments, social media post comments, and social media shares. I will write 50 quality comments on your blog and/or via social media. (minimum of 10 words.) Over a 3-week period (7 to 20 days). {Flexible. Can be completed sooner if you prefer.} Excellent service for a bargain price!

Charge? $5

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦


* * * Many no longer publish stand-alone blogs but instead use social media marketing to distribute their content and build their online reputation.

Are you active on social media? Do you have a business profile OR business pages on social media that need some attention? Would you like to see comments on your social media shares? Comments can be provided.

  • Do Comparison Shopping at this site. There are several sellers who offer Blog Comments. Not only is there a difference in quantity and price, but we are each unique in the specific service that we provide. Feel free to message me first BEFORE you place your order so that you understand what you're buying.

Here are what some satisfied customers have said about my service:

“... provides top quality comments that are intelligent and appropriate to your posts!”

“... top notch a professional … work is always appropriate and intelligent and direct to each post specifically!”

* *
Always willing to customize this order and work with you to suit your specific needs.
Let's discuss!

* This is a manual process. Nothing is automated. No bots are used.
* Blogs should publish content suitable for the general public. EXAMPLE: This service is great if your blog is categorized as cultural, fashion, food and drink, etc. Adult content, gambling, etc. or Illegal Websites are not accepted, AND no negative content posting to defame competitors.


socialmedia blogcomments commenting blogs socialnetwork


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$5 - In stock