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Content Generation Idea: Go For a Walk!
I just went for a walk to go and sit over on the beach for a bit and watch the sun go down. Even though it goes down behind me from my beach point. But I done this for several reasons such as just needing to get out of the house for a while for a change of scenery, and also so I could sit down somewhere quiet and do some thinking and writing on my phone. And I love those moments! Because it's in those moments where I can clear my mind, that I can think more clearly about things or even brainstorm up some topics. Oh yes, the best things come to you in moments like that. It's how ideas are born!
And one of those ideas, for brainstorming up all of the content generation ideas I knew of, was just that, to outside for a walk! Because quite often, you can be stuck to your computer, or even pacing madly around your room, cutting shapes into your rug! But you're not literally stepping outside the box! The box being the room you often live or work in.
And when you do, when you do step outside the box, outside of your room, and outside of your house. Wonderful things can happen. You'll not only feel less confined, but you'll feel much freer and one with the outside. But your mind will too! Your mind will associate being outside with freedom and when those chemicals start flowing to your brain, that's when it can really be put to use.
Well I often manage to come up with a few ideas that I hadn't thought of before when I go for a walk. It's a great way to get some air in you, which your brain needs to work efficiently anyway. And just a great way to brainstorm things. Sure, you could brainstorm things at your table or desk. But do it when you're outside and you'll find more things come to you naturally. I find anyway.
So that's my
content generation tip for you. Go outside for a walk! You don't even have to take a pen and notepad with you or your phone even. I often do though so I can write in it and occasionally take the odd picture when it needs to be taken. I often find it's when I'm without a phone the moment to take a picture or a video of something comes up. That's mainly why I'm never without it!
And although it might not work for every business. By taking photos of things, those can be turned into content also. As an example, I took a panoramic photo of the sea walk near my house. It was just a basic quick left to right view of the walkway that goes on for miles from Brighton to Portsmouth Harbour (about 40 miles). Although this just a small section of it.

I know, it doesn't look like much, and we have shingle beaches not sand!

But there are some really interesting places along this walk. Like old ruins and monuments from
WW2 when these sea walls were heavily defended with gun point and bunkers and things. Plus some spots that are said to be haunted by the
smugglers they used to bury alive up to their heads in the sand and leave them there when the tide came in!
Well I didn't mean for this to turn into a history lesson! But I'm just showing you part of one place I sometimes like to go for a walk when I need to think up ideas for blog posts, articles and things of that nature. While being out in, nature!
So go for a walk! Clear your head. Take a pen & pad or your phone with you. Sit somewhere quiet and secluded. Breath in some fresh air and clear your head. Now you can really think without distraction. Other than the seagulls!
How Going For a Walk Can Help Content Writers
- Helps to clear your head and free yourself from distractions like noisy neighbours, TV's, music, phones etc.
- Gets you out and about if not for 20 minutes so you can get some fresh air; the brains much needed fuel.
- Clears your head so you can really think about things clearly and brainstorm things much easier.
- You can take photos of things which you can then spin into great content that can even help improve local rankings.
So remember, there's lots of good reasons how just going for a walk can help you with coming up with ideas for content to create etc. And if you're a local business especially, taking photos of things you see when you do, and then creating content posts about them can really help your business all round!
Do you like to go out for a walk to think up and brainstorm content ideas and things?
What other ways can going for a walk help when doing so for content generation ideas and brainstorming?
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