
Questions from user Yumyan

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Having to prepare for a job interview, you'll have to face one of the most asked questions among interviewer and it is not as easy as it really sounds unless you are truly a person with great achievements. "How would yo...

  • Yumyan
    Yumyan Level 1
  • 15 6 years ago

    When I first created my resume, I was stuck between having a very appealing and modern resume, and a simple and linear Resume. I was truly worried with what the hiring manager may think. Could it be too flashy? too simpl...

  • Yumyan
    Yumyan Level 1
  • 26 6 years ago

    Where do you prefer writing down your ideas or writings like poems, stories and the like? Digital : computer, phone, etc. Traditional: Paper, journals, notebook, etc. Digitally allows easy correction for any mis...

  • Yumyan
    Yumyan Level 1
  • 24 6 years ago