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101 Content Generation Ideas: Show Behind the Scenes
So if you're a business of any kind that needs content for its blog or somewhere else. Content that will result in more natural organic keyword searching engine visitors coming into your site. As well as your rankings and traffic stats improving from it all. And if that business is just some guy in his man cave bedroom on his computer, or in the kitchen or dinning room. Or in an actual office, factory, shop floor or boardroom where decisions are being made and hustle and bustle is going on in the background that is related to what your business is all about and doing.
Then that my friend, is content gold right there! And here I'll explain to you about how you can go behind the scenes of your own business (not matter how small or inanimate you are) and turn that into content magic!
Going and Showing the Behind the ScenesGoing behind the scenes, AKA the Iron Curtain, is where you turn what does go on behind it, into content. By just writing about what happens and takes places on a day to day level in your business premises or even business world. That can go even deeper into talking about who it is you do wheelin' n dealin' with on a regular basis and even what your relationship or partnership together is like. You could take pictures of these things, whatever they are, whether it's a factory floor and lots of people doing lots of different things. To taking video of the day to day goings on that make up the products or services your business provides. To just small places with only a couple of people. Or even just yourself! You could probably show off something that people don't see that makes it tick!

Behind the scenes in the filming and making of Jaws.
That could be just your computer in the corner of the room! Where the "magic" happens!

Anything like that which people can see that shows who you are, either as a business or as an individual, a sole trader, freelancer etc like myself and many thousands of others like me, but more for bigger actual businesses where stuff really does happen and go on behind the Iron Curtain!
So it could be pictures, stories about those pictures, what people are looking at exactly and why and or what happens here to videos about it that talk about it and more. And if you have a lot of different things that do go on behind the scenes then you could be looking at quite a lot of content, that can be delivered, read, recieved in quite a lot of ways.
Smart SnapChat BusinessesMost smart transparent businesses today use this method for content generation. Even some celebrities and well known famous musicians do it too. Take Gary Vaynerchuck, he's fully mastered SnapChat. He's just a guy that documented a lot of behind the scenes stuff using SnapChat social media site and it's paying off for him big time!
Just posting snaps of things like "What You Purchased" or "Where Your Purchased It" or "Where It Was Made" or "How It Was Made" types of things where it is your business, product or service and what it REALLY looks like on the other side before it arrives! It's just a great way to get a lot of followers as he has for some popular product, service or business.
Reasons to Go Behind the Scenes
- To create lots of great content posts that people really want to see and know.
- Can help to show off your transparency as a business which people value.
- Can be turned into lots of different types of content like PDFs, Podcasts, Videos, Slides etc.
- Can utilise SnapChat to great success by snapping behind the scenes events regularly.
- Can share on other social media sites and gain more natural organic traffic.
Okay so there you have it, I've just basically covered the basic points about using this method and a little tip for using SnapChat for success. I hope this has helped you to see how you can go behind the scenes of your business dealings and turn that into great content in many ways. All of which, can only go on to be of benefit to you in many way.
Do you use this content generation method and reveal the behind the scenes stuff about you and or your business and its dealings?
What other ways can you turn the behind the scenes, screens and iron curtain stuff into content?
Thanks and enjoy!
I follow a local photographer on Instagram who does good behind the scenes stuff. When she's not posting some of her impressive photos, she's posting photos of her home, or her editing station, or a screenshot of the some of the stuff she works on. You can learn a lot of things about her from these posts. How much she cares about her craft, how kind she is, and how passionate she is about her clients, which is a huge plus for her business, in my opinion. Great post! As a filmmaker, behind the scenes content plays a huge in role in every project that I take part in. I love having someone behind the scenes taking photos or developing a video to give people an idea of things that happen behind our productions. It's a great way for people to get to know us, our team, and the product that we end up creating. I follow a local photographer on Instagram who does good behind the scenes stuff. When she's not posting some of her impressive photos, she's posting photos of her home, or her editing station, or a screenshot of the some of the stuff she works on. You can learn a lot of things about her from these posts. How much she cares about her craft, how kind she is, and how passionate she is about her clients, which is a huge plus for her business, in my opinion.
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