
Irritating Words that you keep seeing on the Internet

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Irritating Words that you keep seeing on the Internet

What are the most irritating and annoying Words or Phrases which you keep on seeing on the internet? 
it can be overused words or even discriminatory remarks or even a greeting.


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For the most overused word my vote goes to "because" which you will never fail to see in my posts. I have that bad habit of using that word most of the time and I really cannot say the reason why. Maybe it is my style of writing so I have to be aware of overusing the word "because" which is not really good because being redundant is annoying sometimes. So there, I had used that word just once in this post. Give me an applause for that.

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Hahahah I have this habit to. Though I always edit my post before posting I always notice the redundancy of the word. I think I just love explaining too much.

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I use this too because I will always want to give a reason why a think should be the way I think.i know it can be disgusting but can't help it.

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I'm also like that. it seems that it's easier for me to connect words. I really can't help it by the way.

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What irritates me on the internet are these ads on a random website that does contains a lot of sexual content on it, I had an experience where I'd accidentally open a website it's not a porn site but it does have a lot of ads that are sexual and that's irritating to me.

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Yeah. There are a lot of them these days. I don't know why but they flaunt ads which are sexual of nature and yet they are not related t the site you are visiting.

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Your right about it. Its too irritating specially knowing that there some user like kids that could easily access that sites. Its cause to much harm to other computer user.

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I thought I was the only person that never found this palatable.Even a valuable content site some sexual explicit ads is being shown write disgusting.

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Oh yes, that's very irritating indeed. As much as you want to hide some this adds but it keeps coming back.

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Yes, that's one of the things that I'm mostly annoyed at. It is really irritating especially when you're at a public transport or place and you need to search something. It's so embarrassing.

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What irritates me most are those who always show off in the social media and you know that it's not true. It's okay to post or put a picture about yourself or your daily life or routine but the over the top and you have to lie to the people of who you are or what you are.

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As far as I am concerned, I don't really care about those type of people who always upload a picture or the other on the social media. This is simply a way to kill off the vibes that comes with going online to read some interesting and useful contents on your timeline.

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Well you have a point. I actually learn not to mind others business since it's their life and they can do whatever they want but the most irritating things is when someone post that's is trying to drag or make you bad to other people.

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I agree. And I don't get why people broadcasts their relationship problems on their public accounts on social media. It find it ironic for people to be so transparent about things like that and yet they use filters or photoshop their pictures before posting. I particularly don't like seeing pictures with the caption, "Woke up like this."

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Well, they just want to be center of attraction.

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Yes, they woke up pretty. Very clean and fresh.. Thanks for the beautiful photo filter, everything is possible. I don't like looking at those photos on one side angle. Obviously, the pretty angle. Mostly, of us love to share the adventure of daily routine, One loves to be an influencer.

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That really is kind of irritating. Especially if you know the person and you know what he or she is in reality. What I do then is just I unfollow them so that their updates won't show on my homepage and news feed. We stay friends but I do not have to see their every minute update.

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Well, that one is kind of irritating, I must say. Well, we cannot really stop people loving themselves and being happy about what happens to their lives daily. But, known that someone posts lies is something that I really don't want to see. I'd rather unfollow him or her as I might build toxicity in me

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The word "Content" is so overused, it's always being used as a general term like, 'I'm currently writing content" or "I'm editing the content I've written", that it's becoming annoying sometimes to see it, why not just mention whatever is being written like an article or an eBook right?

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I tend to use the word content a lot. Sometimes you want something that in a general way encompasses articles, blog posts, etc which can be considered to be different (depending on the site the writing is posted) but all of which can be described in one word as "online content." I'll try to use it less in future though.

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Feminism is the word that a whole lot of ladies have made use of in the internet and the thing is that many of them now use it to backup some actions that they take which is pretty not acceptable. There is need to ensure that things are put in the right way that it is work as well.

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Feminism is a word that should be used responsibly. It's also something that one needs to research and learn a great deal about before making any comments.

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Quite true and most interprete in a very wrong way.Feminism sometimes have nothing to do with how some female action plays out.

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I think that I hate to see in the internet some phonographic words that are being used to some advertisements since we all know that some children are also using the Internet. It is not good to see by the children these inappropriate words or phrases relating to sex and other offensive words because it can trigger their minds that it would be just be normal since it is being portrayed in the internet, even if it is wrong they might see it as correct which can be very dangerous.

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What irritates me in the internet are those government issues specially when they are trying to put down our leader. Instead of helping our leader on how to improve our country, they tend to destroy the government. Why don't you look at yourself first before you demand anything from the government. You are not helping us to grow but you are the reason why we cannot grow.

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What I hate most right now are campaign ads of politicians running for the coming elections. They spread words like we care, or we are the solution you are looking for when in reality is all that want to say is vote for us so we could be in power. They even use orphaned children in their propaganda when we all know they only do charity work when there is a camera on them. They are such pretentious people who prey on the weak.

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Multilevel Marketing Companies which always promises that you'll earn a lot with photos of money is really annoying. It's crazy why these people keep promoting their con business in Facebook. Facebook should revoke their accounts.

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This is one I've been seeing a lot in Facebook. "if you have a Gmail Account then earn $50 per processed email". I keep on reporting it and Facebook isn't taking it down. I mean it's a clear scam and all, it should have been taken down as soon as it was reported.

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I understand that for some people, cursing is already a part of their normal expression but I do not really like seeing or hearing those words. Especially if people are using them without a reason and just them being cool.

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Cuss words certainly aren’t cool and I think the majority of time it’s young people trying to use them and “impress” their friends. I think for the most part it’s something people grow out of with time and maturity.

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Niche is the words that annoys me a lot. Every time I see someone use it it's like my brain is getting pinched and I just have this weird expression on my face. I don't know why it triggers me so much.

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I'm a frequent reddit user, and it annoys me to death when I see a post title that says "my gf/bf/friend/wife/husband made this".

It's so overused and mostly a lie to farm some sweet internet points. If you're going to say that a friend made something, why don't you show proof then? Ugh.

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Nothing disgust me like some comments drop on some sites about God,you don't believe in God then fine,don't say what you don't know to just score cheap points .it really irks me.

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What irritates me on social media sites are the black propaganda of the opposition to destabilize the administration just to feed their own greed. They will throw nonsense issue to mislead people from the truth.

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For me it’s probably a lot of the “buzz words” that young people use. Things like “bae” or “that’s lit”...most adults have to google exactly what young people are talking about - it’s like a language all of its own!

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I love Twitter and Twitter has lots and lots of younger generation people, sometimes you have to google some of the words that they are using. I remember the first time I saw SMH I was a bit confused and I had to Google it. I have gotten used to seeing it being used but it still irritates the hell out of me. Why not just write the whole phrase shaking my head, this shortening takes the expression out of the conversation.

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Haha! I actually understand you as many people can relate to that. Even me. Well, even though it's kind of weird, we cannot really avoid that and tell people to stop. It's the effct of the technology, it makes some people to want to shorten things and say something in an instant. We have no choice but to just let them be.

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There are so many phrases that are being shortened and it confused me when I first started using reddit. I was always explaining that I am new and had to ask what the meaning of this and that was. SMH was one of the things I asked the meaning of before.

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Well, there is a list of words that are not very annoying but you will find them overused so many times that you almost feel irritated when you read them. Some of those words are WTF?, IMAO. These slang words at times can be very irritating when people use a bunch of these in there conversation.

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It will be abbreviations for me. As time passes by, people are losing touch with some of the things that matter. It is no surprise that most kids these days will end up with a very poor vocabulary bank. I mean, why does everything have to be short these days? It went from Okay, to Ok, to k. People keep finding ways to not spell full words, and not write complete sentences. It's now ROTF or some other accronym that you are most likely to see.

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I'm actually not annoyed with the words or abbreviations by millennials nowadays. It's fine with me. What annoys me is the trend of doing a rant on social media without even discussing it personally with the people concerned.

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The words that I keep seeing on the internet that greatly irritates me are words that then to bully or discriminate other people. There are a lot of trolls and toxic people on the internet and we cannot avoid them the only thing we can do is report or block there content. Curse words also irritate me most people in the internet use curse word and it is always inappropriate to use this words. I always believe if you don't have anything great to say keep your mouth shut.

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I would have to say "LOL". It irks me because most of the time, people who use it don't actually mean it. It is commonly used now even though there are rarely real Laugh Out Loud moments behind it. Its not like typing in "haha" is that difficult, it is only one letter more than lol. There are other words that irritate me but this one definitely sits atop on my list.

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