
What keeps your idea's flowing for forum posts?

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What keeps your idea's flowing for forum posts?

I have been posting around forums for many years now and the one thing that I have noticed whenever I post on a forum is keeping those ideas flowing for new content can be a huge problem sometimes. I will on some occasions hit a time when I can't think of anything to write and being a freelancer that can cause problems. I find that taking a break, going out for a walk and just relaxing and clearing my head helps to get the ideas flowing again and whilst I am out I also get a lot of ideas from what I see around me as to what I can post about next on forums.

How do you keep idea's flowing when you are forum posting? Is there anything specific you do that helps keep the ideas coming?


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Looking at my activity on several forums, over a period of time, I notice I have always had something worthwhile to say. I say this because there is always a reaction from users and in some cases we have had lengthy interactions. Forums such as this where users write just so many posts as specified by the forum there is not much interaction.

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I am able to keep my ideas flowing for forum post if it's something I like, I already experience or my interest. I can't usually keep up with forums if I'm not knowledgeable enough of the topic talked about. I once tried posting in a forum that I'm not totally familiar with so I end up browsing the net and get enough ideas about what it is all about. I did gather ideas but that was not really enough to keep up posting. So I decided to just not post if I am confident. And I find myself comfortable in expanding topics that are already posted.

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same here. There is no point to join in games or sports forum for me because I have no interest in them. So, I concentrate of forums about motherhood, parenting or the general ones where housewives are there to comment about the similar opinion.

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From my limited experience posting on forums, I've come to find that I'm more interested in expanding on topics that others have already started, rather than start my own. If someone posts with a topic I'm familiar with, I enjoy expanding upon it, discussing it, and answering any potential questions that they may have. If I have started a topic of my own, it is most likely going to be something I'm not all too familiar with and am looking forward to hearing and learning from others.

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that is a genius way to expand the topic by discussing further. We don't have to create new discussion everytime. I like those threads where the discussion keep getting longer and longer

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My way of making post or ideas flowing on forum threads would be to interact with the posters as much as I can specially if I quote some of the poster's post. If you interact with those people and share your personal point of views or opinions, it opens up another set of discussions relevant to that and so ideas will surely flow. You should also not limit your interaction to a single poster. Spread evenly - this will surely make that forum active for sure.

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Actually, like others have said, but it is totally true, the other posters keep me inspired. A good forum is one thing, and there are plenty of good topics out there for forums, but when the posters and visitors provide excellent content, advice, humor, information, personal experiences, encouragement, etc., I am pushed to respond and to really think about my writing and how I want to present myself. Plus, a lot of the same posters show up in the same forums, so I end up having discussions and conversations with "familiar faces" on a fairly regular basis, and this makes the forum seem more like a community than a formal meeting ground over a topic.

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Putting a balance between forum posting and other activities keep my ideas flowing. I noticed that lack of ideas usually happens when I don't take breaks form forum posting. My mind is overloaded. So i do other activities as I take breaks. I do activities where I can learn new things like doing my business, attending seminars, and going out. In effect, I come back to forum posting with new ideas. That's the time I can give more information when I reply to threads.

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Right now I am running into a road block on my forum, I pretty much covered everything there is to cover. So unless something new comes out I am going to be screwed. Lately I have been searching other forums like mine to try and get some ideas. I don't steal their content or topic. It just kind of gives me a idea what people are talking about.

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The niche I operate in is always producing new content. Which leads to new conversations, new idea and new overall opinions and views. So new forum posts are never a problem.

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Oh yes, new content of a new topic do generate new users too. I like to participate new dialogues and bring in new information where everyone could share. Some old topics in forums are too long and repetitive.

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I love forums with active members who freely post their thoughts and share their experiences. They motivate me to share my own experiences as well. I'm a multi-faceted person who's handling multiple roles in real life so I'm not likely to run out of things to share on forums. I rarely open my own discussions but I always find myself involved in a thread. I don't force myself to join discussions I have no knowledge about. I do read the thread though and try to learn what I can. The knowledge comes handy when the same topic is discussed in another forum.

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Forum posting is writing and like with any writing, you can get writer's block. I agree with @krisleen that the best medicine is to take a break and continue with your other activities. This often does the trick. It's also advisable to post on forums where you like the topic and like contributing to the discussion.If the topic is one you like you will hardly ever run out of things to say. However if you post on forums where you struggle with the topics, I would advise you look for other forums that are more fun!

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Sometimes my brain doesn't work if the certain topic in the forum are not quite interesting but whenever the topic is something catch my attention, I'm aggressive of making lot of comments. And also depends upon my mood, like whenever I am hungry, I cannot directly make a idea about that topic.

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When I go to a forum, the first thing I do is to read the new posts. Usually it takes about 5 minutes or so depending on the size of the forum. And after reading, my head will be fertile enough with ideas that are fit for posting. In times that there are no substantial new posts, I try to check on the old posts and almost always, I find something interesting and relevant. However, I may be tagged as a grave digger, that’s what they call people who comments on old posts.

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I read all the previous posts and sometimes I get an idea about what to write from this. I like to share my personal experiences and that's one thing that has actually made forum posting easy for me. Sometimes I also do a bit of research on the topic.

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I draw from my memory. Since I've been at this for several years, there are lots of discussions that pop up and I can recall something from w few years back that relates. Sometime when I am moving from forum to blog or to social community, it's just like continuing a conversation on the same subject, only you're talking to different people. Does that make sense?

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Well yes, it can be very difficult sometimes to keep on thinking of new ideas, especially when you are posting on forums on a daily basis. Afterall we can't go on repeating the same topics and answers all the time. whenever I find that I am not able to post anything new on a forum, I usually engage myself in some other online activity, if I am completely tired of doing anything then it is always better to take a small break from the work and resume it afterwards when we feel fresh after taking the break

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I find the best thing is to read other people's posts as ideas often spring off from them even if they do not immediately seem connected. For instance, I just answered a post about good writing, but in doing so remembered I wanted to write at some point about sticky sentences. I am off now to make the post as it is probably a valuable one for some writers.

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