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For me I love forum posting this as many benefits such as make and meet new friends and learn new things every time. You can easy make a name for your self and find others come to you for advice depending on how much you help in these forums. Such sites as well you can have an advantage by placing your website link in the signature so every time you create a post your link is showing for exposure to other members.
Do any of you own any forums ? I own a few just not had the time promoting them yet one of them is doing well on its own I do have a moderator on one of them so that is handy but I do login few times a day make sure no spammers which there is a number of them and it is very annoying. The good thing about making a forum is that forums can often drive traffic depending on you choosing the right niche and set the layout well with good quality theme. Some use SMF for creating forum me I prefer Mybb its got slick designs and easy to use plus works great with the plugins it offers. Like the google seo plugin which helps with your links and information on your site.
If your wanting a good forum of your own suggest getting hosting first and domain. I prefer to use namecheap they offer great plans and cheap as well . Then once this is down go on there Cpanel and look at the bottom there be tons of apps and scripts you can install like wordpress and many more. Look for the Mybb click it and fill out the information you need. Then matter of just clicking install don't worry about |Mysql databases this creates it its self when you install it this way. Another great tip when installed also install the wordpress script through this site but make sure when filling out the wordpress installation section when it says create or place in directory part don't leave blank . Put something like blog so it creates a blog directory for the wordpress. It will then install .
Great so you have a forum not only a forum but a blog aswell. After each installation make note on the urls for your admin panel sections. So now you can create your forum and your blog. Or you could switch things around which in my opinion I would for example if you install forum first it will go on you main domain www.domain.com and you blog would be at www.domain.com/blog . So install wordpress first and then when install mybb make sure in the directory you put forum so once installed you would have you blog at main domain and then forum like : www.domain.com which is your blog and then your forum at www.domain.com/forum .
Example of directory here :
In Directory
The directory is relative to your domain and should not exist. e.g. To install at http://mydomain/dir/ just type dir. To install only in http://mydomain/ leave this empty.
Hope this helps
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