
Questions from user Shortie861

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Forum posting can sometimes become the same old and without much needed breaks when you are posting on forums you can sometimes get burned out and lose interest when posting on forums. I know from time to time I have ...

  • Shortie861
    Shortie861 Level 1
  • 42 7 years ago

    We all enjoy posting on forums, I know I do but I will admit that I do prefer certain genres of forums over others when it comes to posting. I find that if I enjoy the genre of a forum I feel that my posting and my ideas...

  • Shortie861
    Shortie861 Level 1
  • 24 8 years ago

    I have been posting around forums for many years now and the one thing that I have noticed whenever I post on a forum is keeping those ideas flowing for new content can be a huge problem sometimes. I will on some occasio...

  • Shortie861
    Shortie861 Level 1
  • 20 8 years ago