The SCP-Wiki is a website that contains a collection of stories surrounding the SCP Foundation, a fictional organization that aims to "Secure, Contain, Protect" unusual and surreal entities and anomalies. Stories can b...
I remember when I submitted a manuscript to a publisher I had to list at least three genres that my novel would come under. It was slightly hard because it would appeal to the young adult market, but also to adults who l...
I guess this mostly applies to fiction writers... When you have an idea, how much planning do you do before you start writing? Do you map out characters, dates, places, etc? If so, just a little bit of info, or full bios...
This is the advice of a veteran writer for the movies. Using the subplot is a segue way to avoid the audience or reader to get bored with the long scene or sequence. The subplot can divert the story just a little bit. Fo...
What sort of experience do you have in the field of creative writing? Do you do it for fun, or have you tried to be published? I'm a filmmaker first a foremost, but writing plays a huge role in that process even thoug...
In your online writing, which genre of writing, or which subject matter, do you find the most difficult to write about? Which is harder for you: general blogging? fiction? non-fiction? reviews? I was wondering if t...
I've often had thoughts of writing my memoirs, and I will, one day. Even if I'll never try to sell it, I will still write it. It's one of those things I really have to do. However, a few weeks back, I started to write...