
10+ Ways to Find Inspiration for Writing, Being a Freelance Writer or Book Author

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10+ Ways to Find Inspiration for Writing, Being a Freelance Writer or Book Author

10+ Ways to Find Inspiration for Writing, Being a Freelance Writer or Book Author
Hello my friends, writers and authors to be! Earlier on today I had a friend of a friend ask me about being a freelance writer as he overheard my conversation I was having with a client while I was on the phone but sitting in the cafe just chilling out with a coffee before I went back to work. So he started asking me about it saying, is that one of your clients then, are you a freelancer then, do you write stuff for a living basically right? How much do you make from doing that kind of work and what's it like and how can I get paid to do that too kind of questions you know? lol 10+ Ways to Find Inspiration for Writing, Being a Freelance Writer or Book Author

I'm not that subtle but sometimes I like to let people overhear my conversations like that with people. Sometimes I'll just be talking to my mate on the blower and sort of make out he's a client or something or just make pretend he is and ask daft questions like "okay then so you want me to write you an article on how to become better looking and make girls attracted to you or how to tell when your cat is crazy or something funny and try and see if I can get them on the same level of joking with the eyes and a quick heads up as though they know I'm joking.

Then that basically just breaks the ice and opens the window for conversation. And sometimes, if you just wait, some people do ask questions and that's when you can see how deep their interests goes and how deep they want to see the rabbit hole goes. That's when you can spring your business card on them or make them an affiliate for WordClerks or SEOClerks too even.

And every now and then you get someone that really does want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Once you let people know about how they can do what they are hearing about people doing, whether in person, through someone or on the TV, on social media and the news media and that. You can find ways to get them on board as a client of yours or even as an affiliate! And that can mean whether as a freelance writer or as an author of their own books!

And one such guy even went one step further and asked me what it would take to be a good author and what some writing tips are. Well I basically quickly told him a bunch of things in sort of quick and rough bullet points style and said that I'd like to tell him more to help him succeed with that but that he'll have to book some time with or at least by me a cookie because I don't just give that kind of stuff away!

If possible, I would also try to break that down into subsequent sessions or "classes" too. I have spare room out back I can devote to this or we can just meet at the cafe whatever I don't care if they're paying lol. And what I would probably do then is charge per class and teach them something different every class.

And sure, at the end, you might think it could all be taught in one session if it was all just condensed into one. But I'm a believer that people soak up information and retain it better if it's learned gradually overtime and some good amount of detail has gone into each lesson.

And so, if that guy in the cafe sounds like you, and you'd like to know how to find inspiration for writing, to be a successful freelance writer or an actual author of your own book. Whether it's a guide or some self-help book or something, then here I'm going to run a series of posts that are basically for 10+ ways to find inspiration for writing, for freelance writers or even book authors!

And this should go on to be helpful for both aspiring, rookie writers, freelancer writers and book / magazine / PDF / Kindle writers, authors and publishers as well as much more experienced, achieved ones as well. So let me shut up with the intro already and get into class 1. 10+ Ways to Find Inspiration for Writing, Being a Freelance Writer or Book Author

10+ Ways to Find Inspiration for Writing, Being a Freelance Writer or Book Author

1: Find Things to Feel Good About and Smile About!

Listen, in life, you'll always be able to find something you can smile and feel about about. And yes, there's a lot of stuff out there which makes it hard to smile about. But this seems to get written about more than those good things and that's not right because people are more naturally inclined to read about happy stories than sad ones. Let's elaborate on that.

So I just said that people are more interested to read happy articles than sad ones right. But that doesn't sound right because it's the bad news that's happened around the world that the media want to focus in on as it's big news for them and they get the ratings for it. But that's only something the media does and forces on people and it's never usually the real story anyway.

But when it comes to things people want to read about. Generally, you will find that people want to read about happier, more fulfilling, more wholesome, entertaining and funny stories than stories or things about tragedy, pain and suffering. There's a lot of that in the world already and not enough good stuff out there. It's no wonder so many people are depressed!?

This is why they usually end the show with the happy story they have at the end! 

However, even that kind of stuff can be wrote about if you find a story that touches and grips you and inspires you to want to say something about it on your site or blog or social media page or whatever. And many bloggers do and go all out with a massive blog post news story on it, videos that cover it from different angles, downloadable podcasts, PDF's, slides etc etc.

Whatever it takes!

Whether it's good, happy, upbeat, smile making, funny stories and things you can find to write about. Or whether it's something poignant and more serious. All you need really need to do to come up with writing inspiration is get out there and start searching for stuff that you're interested in online.

Search for things online that are interesting to you. Browse big news sites and social media sites and look for those happy stories that appeal to you somehow. Jot down some post topics and ideas you could write about. Whether with a real pen and paper pad or using notepad or a spreadsheet on your computer/device/mobile whatever.

And just from doing this, you should be able to gather a lot of ideas for posts, stories etc that you can write about. Whether as for a blog post for your blog. Or for to write a book on it. Or even for a client as a freelance writer who wants you to write about some cool, trendy, hot, hip and popular thing in some niche. (Hint: it's what I do). 

A Double Whammy

The good thing about doing this, actually, it has several benefits, but one of them is that it will help you to see what sort of things people are writing, why and how. It will help you to become a writer as good as they are (honestly, they're probabably only as good a writer as you anyway), it will help you to learn about what is out there for ideas for content and writing inspiration too.

Plus you'll be making the world a better, brighter, happier place! At least online anyway? And that's a great way to get people subscribing to you too. When and where most sites peddle most stories (good and bad) related to some niche or a wide market, not too many focus on just good news stories you know??

And that completes lesson 1: Find Things to Feel Good About and Smile About! 10+ Ways to Find Inspiration for Writing, Being a Freelance Writer or Book Author

Your Homework To Do:

  • Research and dig up happy, up beat stories and things to feel good and smile about.
  • Jot down some possible post/story ideas and post/story titles you can write about.
  • Start writing! Try and write out 1-2 news stories to see how well you can cover it.
In the next part of this series, we'll talk about your pain, I couldn't help but notice it, it runs deep, share it with me!...


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2: Find charming positive attitude to inculcate on the readers: This will go a long way in inspiring you the writer and also the readers. I could remember the kind of books that my father always bought for me, it must be the one which will make me a better person tomorrow likewise some other parents to their kids. Whenever I pick up any book in bookshop or shelve, my mind usually go straight to the type person that this particular book will like to make me. Will be positive or negative? This suppose to be a serious determining factor on the nature of a book one wants to write. The behavioral spectrum of a man is basically on the environment he lives and on what he had seen and heard. A man that reads positive books brings positive ideas and positive actions, a medical doctor can't behave like an economist or like a geographer. Their ideologies differs due to the nature of books they read. Positivism always inspires a good writer

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In any kind of writing, research is a very important step. When I was invited to be a guest blogger, I thought all along that my stock knowledge is enough since I know much about dogs and that was the niche. But after writing my first article, I felt that I needed some research to enhance the content with more information that is relevant and interesting. Research is one way of improving the contents in terms of substance and the writer’s part is how to present the data in a better way.

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Problems and Difficult Situations can be a source of motivation and or inspiration to some writers. I've experienced this in the past, I written my best pieces in times of trouble.

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I agree@kakashi2020. The best inspiration for writers is when you are writing about things that you are going through.I think that writing that is not inspired by a real life situation lacks a bit of something. It has no extra factor. One of the best way to find inspiration is to write about people' situation. Watch the news, read the papers, look on Facebook and Twitter, listen to radio. You will find all the inspiration you need. You will never run out of ideas.

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The inspiration to create whatever, writing included, may appear at any moment of your life, as anything you notice may trigger an emotion or some memory that would in its turn create this emotion. When it happens, the most important is to write down the first words that come into your mind at this precise moment. The topic you would be writing about must have been long waiting to be explicitly put down. Or it could be a new twist of a story you have been working on for some time already. Speaking of an event or a piece of news that might inspire a writer, this event should also match a general theme you have been contemplating on. The amount of information falling from all sides - TV, social media, general conversations or friendly chats - is overwhelming seemingly not interesting. But there would often be a word or an idea that could catch your interest and stir feelings. Don't let it go. Ancient Greeks would say that the Muse has come to pay you a visit. But you never know how long She might stay. Start writing. The development of your thought will come by itself.

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