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Over the years of doing Internet Marketing, SEO and Blogging. I've used many content generation bots and software. Not one of them has been able to generate me content that is unique and excellently written/created. There are always words out of place or context, sentences that don't make sense. The idioms are wrong, stuff like that.
I've never been able to find any software that I can put a few keywords into and it be able to generate me a perfectly formed and sense making unique articles. Ever! There has always been some flaws with the produced content when it is produced and spun by a software.
Each type of content creation bots and software usually go about it differently in the way they collect or scrape and then spin the content. Some will scrape article sites for your keywords and then randomly pull sentences from those articles and then randomly place them into a new article to form paragraphs from them all. Then once that's done, it will then spin the article by spinning some of the words or all of the words depending on your spin settings. Sometimes you can have them spin only some of the words and not all of them so that the sentences still make sense without having random words in them.
And some content generation bots use sophisticated algorithms and content generation methods and even use intelligent smart spinning going by user suggestion but even then, even after all that, the outputted articles aren't still up to scratch.
You can just tell when you start reading it. You're like, hang on, this isn't right. Looks and sounds spun. And that is just a big no no today if you want to gain people's respect. It's a shame that many webmasters and bloggers, affiliate marketers etc still generate and use content like this. Albeit mostly on their web 2's and tier 3's etc.
I would never use auto generated and spun content on my money site! I wouldn't use it on my web 2's or anything else really. It can sometimes be moderated with a human touch before it's submitted, but even then the quality of the article itself isn't good and I wouldn't use it on any of my serious sites or anything! I'd rather write it!
There really are quite a lot of bots, tools and services out there that can generate content for you on the fly. Many of them suck! Some of them have a lot of promises but fail miserably to deliver. Some of them sort of serve a purpose. But none of them really that I have ever tried have ever been able to produce an article as though it was written by a person by hand!
Could A.I. be a content generators dream come true?
A lot of rich people are putting a lot of money into A.I and when that happens it means it's because they know something about it that people will like and find useful in the future. Up to about now, most binary based A.I slip up, repeat themselves. They can only say so much based on their programming and input. But new quantum based A.I will be different. It will be much more like having a real conversation with another person than getting some pre-programmed response.
If it was possible to ask an AI bot a question and get an essay back on what you asked based on what it searched and learned from it. Imagine the practical implications that could have for content generators, webmasters, bloggers etc. If an intelligence like that was made available to the Internet. Imagine what it could do for the Internet.
Think of something like Dr. Know from the A.I movie with Jude Law. Or Hal 9000 the computer from 2001: A Space Odyssey movie. An AI that you can ask a simple or complicated question too, an AI that knew your meaning and intention and was able to basically write blog content for you based on trends and hot subjects. An AI that you could speak a few commands or keywords to and it was intelligent enough to know how to go out, research those keywords and the topic or industry. And then be able to write an article on that which was 100% unique and well formed like a proper, human written article. Complete with bullet points and formatted words etc.
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Here is an example, I have an addiction blog, where I write about my experiences as an addict and then I also write about how I got clean and what life is now being clean. Do you think my readers would appreciate content written by AI?
Not likely right?
Yes I do think that AI will be taking over a lot of work that people do in the future but not article writing, not things that people will really love reading. I doubt it Mike. I have heard a lot of opinions on this topic and some people disagree with me and say that of course AI could write real articles that people would enjoy... but I just don't think so. Here is an example, I have an addiction blog, where I write about my experiences as an addict and then I also write about how I got clean and what life is now being clean. Do you think my readers would appreciate content written by AI? Not likely right? Yes I do think that AI will be taking over a lot of work that people do in the future but not article writing, not things that people will really love reading.
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