
Tips and Ideas for a Newbie Writer

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Tips and Ideas for a Newbie Writer

Hello there and thank you for opening this topic. I am new here with what you call online writing and I don't have much knowledge about it and I was just taking some risk outside my comfort zone. What do you think that could help me to improve or why don't you give some ideas and tips for this kind of matter?


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Well, We all have a starting point as a writer, just write daily mindful of your spelling and grammar. Write and read articles daily and try to always write quality content. Congratulations and welcome to Word Clerks.

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Keep going and improve a lot all along the way. You ought to know that without progress the. You will never grow.

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Well, aside from writing everyday, it is also good to read some articles or threads about the kind of field that you want to be in like SEO writing, e-book writing and others. It's also helpful to read some works so you'll get a good view about the techniques and their approach.

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Write about what you know. Learn how to us SEO to make what you write about stand out to the search engines and every so often take yourself off to a grammar checker to see what common mistakes you make. (prowritingaid or grammarly, or if you are a fiction writer, autocrit.) These tell you pitfalls to avoid you can add to your knowledge base. For example, many people don't realise "just" and "really" are words to avoid. There is also hemmingwayapp,com which helps. You can write straight into that for free. Spelling and grammar are everything so use all the tools available to be sure yours is good. Read back what you have written out loud and finally, learn to use as few filler words as you can. Go to google docs, write something and add on Hazel's glue word finder from the add-ons. Write something and practice it. Language tool is also useful as an add on. Use the tools as a learning experience but don't get too hung up on them as the main thing is to just write.

Try to write with no distractions for ten minutes a day. Do this in a writing environment that has no distractions. One way is to disable all your toolbars in your word processor.

Never plagiarise or spin (rewrite someone else's article.) Always acknowledge the sources you use. Spend time getting to know whatever word processor you have, what it does and what else it can do. Be sure you use styles (H!, H2) on your word processor.

When you write something, think about white space. An article or beyond looks better if the text is surrounded by white space.

Learn, if you want to go this far, the conventions for an ebook and a print book (they are different.)

Finally, there is a point where you let go of the article and publish. Don't spend days on a couple of paragraphs. Many times what you wrote was fine in the first place.

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You have shared priceless tips. On top of that, I would encourage him/her to keep on reading various blogs and books. This is a good way of improving and learning from published authors.

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This is a lot of information to look forward. It seems that you already accomplish ed a lot of books on your wide sharing of ideas. I hope some of this will help me to do my writing more effectively. I will definitely check out all of the tips and ideas you've provided. Thank you!

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Reading of e-books is one of the best to do because you can learn in minute or hour of a year knowledge.

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With all the tips and suggestion from friends. You will be ready to venture on writing. Just focus on what you want. Make sure you know your topic well and your comfortable to write about it. Just keep on reading good and useful articles to widen your knowledge. I am sure you will accomplish your desires.

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I am still a newbie in this field. I still have lots to learn. As a newbie, I am really conscious of my grammar and spelling. What I do is I use Grammarly. I also practice writing every day.

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This is so spot on. But let me tip you in on a little secret, no one is perfect 100% when it comes to writing without errors. As a human being, it's something that is peculiar with all of us but with technology advancement in development of some writing tools like grammarly, it helps to eliminate errors.

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Thank you for the responses because me too is a newbie when it comes to being a Writer, and everyone on here share a lot of great insights and valuable information that I can apply in my journey of being a Writer.

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Keep the good job. You just have to read a lot, because you will find out amazing tips from the community here. I was very confused when I started around, but I've learned a lot checking out these platforms. Always check your grammar and spelling, and never copy/plagiarize somebody else's work. That will be more than enough for a newbie.

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Practice makes perfect. Just practice your writing skills. It is easier for you to do it if it is your passion. However, if you are motivated and committed to do writing then it is not possible to be a good writer.

As a novice in writing online, you may do a research online on how to write well. Many writing strategies available that you can study and learn it online. You may check it and try which strategies suits you or easy for you to start with.

Remember, as a writer you should be a storyteller. So you should equipped yourself with knowledge and insights with your environment and different events in life so you can share a lot and can write many ideas. Readers often love to read something that is real life events. Some readers look for an articles that have same problems they encounter in their lives so they can have insights on how to overcome or solve it and in this way, you can have a value to your readers and that's one essence of being a writer.

In addition to that, proper grammar and correct spelling should be considered because it will reflect you as a writer. So whatever message you want to relay to your readers will properly address and communicate. It will avoid misunderstanding and confusion.

Finally, enjoy and have fun!

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My opinion on the subject of writing is that you have to read a lot be it books or magazines or any other articles that would not only enrich your knowledge in the information but also to enhance your knowledge on writing. What you read gets inside your brain and it leaves a mark. The more marks your brain gets the better you become a writer. I have learned grammar in school but I learned better grammar by reading.

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You are right as it is only by reading that we can get to fully understand what is going on as regards getting to put up some nice articles as well. So, this is all about getting to work on what we feel is going to benefit us at the end of the day.

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I agree with you. When I was in high school, I started noticing that my classmates who loved to read were the ones who excelled in writing. Those who love to read have noticeably wide and rich vocabulary. So, reading is indeed a big factor.

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True. Reading a lot helps writers to develop inspiration. I do this too when I run out of ideas. The best way to improve writing is to apply what you read in your own writing. If you have the passion and you do the hard work then, you will go far.

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To improve you have to apply what you learn and to learn. If you read but notice that your writing isn't improving then maybe you are reading the wrong books.

I think those who wish to write articles that will be read online should regularly visit wikipedia and read articles on the site. On the site are some of the best well-written articles on the net. Learn to write like that and you'll be a very successful writer.

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Thank you! This is a really good idea. I haven't been reading many articles lately. But I will start doing this now to help me in my writing.

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I appreciate your sharing of idea to be better at writing. I would definitely try reading a lot although I only read some articles, news and blogs. Do you have any suggestions on what type of book that I should read or you could recommend that helped you for improving your writing skills.

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Always spend some time to read so that when you are writing you will always be having references on the things that you write. Keep on learning cause even the experiences writers still needs some learning of some sort. Read, learn, write that's the cycle that you should submit yourself into.

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Writing involves a lot of research! When I'm writing an article I usually have a notepad open while I'm researching info on my article. I type down important words or facts and when I'm done reading from one source I'll move on to another one and add more information as I go. I take my notepad and paste the whole thing on a word document and build my sentences from there. Sometimes I'll be deleting off items on it, sometimes I'll move stuff around to rephrase everything and change the flow. Good luck on your writing career! Remember, dedication is the key!

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What do you think that could help me to improve or why don't you give some ideas and tips for this kind of matter?

What you've done actually is the first step towards getting to be a better writer. There is much you can learn on writers forums!

As it has already been said, practice makes perfect. The one sure-fire way to improve your writing is to write more often, regularly. You also need to go a step further. Have your writing reviewed by others so you can find out what else you could do to be a better writer.

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First, I think you should know that it's no bad thing to be a novice, even the best writers were once beginners; so that's a nice place to start.

I think a good writer must be good in imagination. If you're to picture yourself at the foot of the Eiffel Tower in Paris you should be able to detail what and what are there to see, and the things that are likely going to take place there. These will help fill up the details of what you may want to write.

Andfor every writing, yo must seek to answer the who, why and the what questions regarding what you are writing about. The who can be, who your audience is/are, the what is the thing you're writing about, what is it? Will the reader grasp what you intend to write about; and the why is the reason you're writing about a thing. It maybe to add your thought, to push a course, to support or oppose a movement, whichever of this you wish to write on should be potrayed in your writing.

To add, never try to copy someone else's writing style entirely, you have a unique style, so write in accordance to it.

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Be good in imagination check on spellings and grammer..read more ebooks or novels to widen up your thinking capacity..always note something down before posting because this helps in checking grammatical mistakes and always be patient because nothing comes on a silver platter

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Yes, reading books or any article can make you more knowledgeable in different aspects, be it in different issues, spelling, grammar and a lot more. The more you read the more you become equipped as a writer.

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Just keep on reading blogs and e-book. It not just help your vocubulary. It also gives you some ideas or technique to improve your writing.

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Exactly! I completely agree with you on this about getting to build and improve the writers word bank and knowledge on some many things, topics and all walks of life.

This would help you become an expert in almost every topic you set out to write an article on.

Research is the key to opening your brain and mind.

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Being a good writer is very easy and at the same time very difficult. It all depends on what you are trying to do and the level you are planning on taking your writing.

My advice would be to start simple with topics that you are very familiar with. It will give you the ability to improve and get better in the job on the long run.

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I'll be taking notes about the comments of the members on here too because me too I'm a newbie writer and I find it weird that I just found this new passion in writing, didn't expect it but it makes me feel good while writing, I kind of feel happy doing it.

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Writing is one of those crafts where the span of growth is truly really large. This is good news for newbie writers. The more you do it, the more you get better at it. Of course you have to be reading more than you write. It the surest way to learn from those who have been doing it longer and better. Reading also builds vocabulary which is more than an asset for any writer. You also might want to learn the rules and the techniques of good writing. The best part is, there are tons of free material online waiting for you to jump on them and educate yourself. Good luck.

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I agree@Franzel2oo the more you write the better you get at it.Writing is like driving a car. The biggest mistake newbies make is that they try to be good at it from the beginning and then they give up if they are not. That is not how things work you have to keep at it, even if you think that you are a good writing there is still a steep learning curve that will be cured by practice only.

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Read, read, and read some more. Practice, practice, and then more practice. The only way you can become a good writer is when you have a lot of vocabulary at your disposal in your arsenal. It also doesn't hurt to rely on a few software to check for typos and grammatical errors you make along the process. Plus, try to study the way other great writers do it like sentence structure, formatting, etc. All the best!

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I will always agree to comments about how reading can help you improve your skill in writing. It is through reading that you learn different skills and information too

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Correct. There are also some who prefer watching videos as the relay of information in that method is faster compared to reading. However, when it comes to improving your writing, reading is the one that is utterly necessary.

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Read a lot - Reading gives you information that you can use in writing and also help you get writing styles to follow depending on the topic you are doing.

Practice - makes you do the work without much difficulty. You'll find it easier to write and finish the job faster.

Always check your work - grammar, spelling, sentence construction and punctuations are the most common part of your work that you should check.

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I think it is really advisable for neophyte writers to improve their writing skills and grammar so that many prospect clients would be interested in hiring them in the future. We need to read more articles so that we can have an idea on how to do a great writing and to improved our language since sometimes it is becoming a barrier in having a good article writing. keep on learning everyday as much as possible because we need to go with the flow with the current trends in the writing industry.

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To add to other's responses, one advice I can give is that to never be afraid to ask help from others.

If you're having writer's block, maybe have a writer friend to give you some ideas. If you are not that confident of your writing yet, consider having someone give you specific advice and constructive criticisms on your specific work. Connections are also a great way to find high-paying jobs (having experienced writers as friends is a great idea). After all, no one can get through life without some help, now can we? Tips and Ideas for a Newbie Writer

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I think watching and reading news would really help aside from reading books and stuffs. News are available even online if you have no access on newspapers. You can also watch TV and be mindful on how the newscaster deliver the topic. You should also practice grammar, spelling and the language you want to use. I'm still in the process on doing these things so I am on the same shoes as you.

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How do you practice your grammar and spelling?These are things that you have to learn as you go along. I agree that you need to get as much writing as you can done. The only way to improve your skill is to write everyday. They are some sites that sell articles, get your writing onto those sites. They also correct any mistakes so in this way you practice how to write, eventually you will be an expert

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