
Choosing the people in your network

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Choosing the people in your network

When I created my Facebook account, my idea was to collect friends so I was sending friend request to almost anyone I meet in Facebook. It may have been the remnant of Friendster that the number of friends mattered. But now I came to realize that I should be choosy with the friends that I have because a network is a give and take. That means when I post something the people in my network should react and I would do the same to their posts. Since early this year I had started deleting some friends who do not react to my posts. 


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We love to have friends on any social media account but we can't also force them to like or accept us. Other, people doesn't care much of who we are and what we do. It's always a right and a choice of a user to interact in any activity posted. It's a free space and it deserved to be respected.

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I agree, and maybe some of them might also be busy with work or family and strictly use social media for messaging purposes only.

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I agree. Sometimes we can't help to feel that way but we shouldn't really expect everyone to react on our posts. For one, we are not really the only friend they have (in FB for example) and our posts would not be the only story on their news feeds. And even sometimes, it is better not to react on something so that you won't hurt feelings of your friends when you do not really like their post.

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Haha, really? Well, I guess that's alright. I read from somewhere that you're the average of the five people you usually hang out with, so choose your friends wisely. I don't know, but regarding friends on social media, it doesn't matter that much to me. But in real life, it does.

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People have different reasons of adding friends on Facebook. If you are using your Facebook account for your own pleasure and just to make communications and interact with your friends, it's better if you really choose those people in your friend list. However, if you are using your account to promote something like events, products, services, business or advocacy the more the better. It depends on your purpose. Nonetheless, it's not a bad thing to be careful on choosing your network.

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Yes, you're right. I've often found people mixing these two things together. It's not a good idea. It's best to keep business and personal matters separate from one another. It helps you focus more on each aspect of your life.

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I think that deleting friends in my opinion is a lit bit too harsh. I think that you should just leave them. Maybe what your posting does not motivate them to react? I also think that people should have two separate Facebook accounts. If you want to build a network, build it around something. E.g is this a work network, marketing network. Join groups and try to get friends from those groups. For your personal network just let it be friends and family.

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The idea of two accounts is a good one I think. Sometimes you do want to expand a network and reach out to more people potentially for job connections and things like that, but don’t necessarily want those people reading every single thing on your mind.

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I feel the same way. It's kind of uncomfortable having one account for both your business and personal use. Not only does it somewhat becoming confusing at times, it's also hard to focus on either one. They're totally different from one another.

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That's a good idea. It's better to have your own separate account specifically for family use only. This could be why people find it hard to stay active on social media. You're constantly bombarded by stuff you're not interested in.

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I think the poster meant about deleting is, deleting off people they don't personally know. If judging from the story that the poster added a lot of people and sent friend requests.

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I understand where you're coming from. A lot of times social is just an ego boost to people. I remember back then how people kept adding just about anyone in order to increase their number of friends. Everyone at that time wasn't as suspicious of people unlike now.

They simply accepted the friend request and were happy to converse with others.

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Yes I think times have drastically changed since those early days of Facebook. Even going back one extra step to MySpace, I think back then I accepted anyone and everyone’s request whether I knew them or not. Looking back at that now I realize how dangerous that can be.

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You're right. Everything's surely different nowadays. I guess we didn't have much to worry about back then. I mean, people were simply interested to communicate with one another.

It used to be a quaint new concept that made making friends much easier. Now it's all about making money and online businesses. Most especially, people looking to scam others.

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I used to be like that too where I felt like having a higher friend number was important but now I realize it’s quality over quantity. I’d rather have a smaller number of friends who I actually engage with rather than a ton who don’t really even talk with me.

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That's true. Thinking about it now, it's kind of painful. I mean, we have lots of "friends" online. So it might seem that we're popular in theory. But really, we just have a bunch of profiles who are strangers to one another.

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I also have a huge number of friends on my Facebook profile with whom i have interacted very rarely in the past. These are friends i have accepted in the past. I would say that as long as they dont create any trouble for me i would not delete them.

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I'm a very private individual. I only give out my Facebook account to people I personally know or have been talking to for a long time. It's not only about privacy but it's also about safety concerns for me. I don't want stranger finding out where I usually go to or what I do. It's just creepy.

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Yeah, it is also about our safety as people that we don't really know may harm us in one way or the other and that is something that is pretty bad and evil. So, I think once I log into my Facebook account, I should delete some friends as well.

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We should always be careful around strangers, specially online! Because we don't see them and we don't have a clue if they're watching our accounts. Just be careful when you start deleting people from your Facebook! I accidentally deleted a good friend off mine because she changed name and I wasn't aware of the change she made as we don't communicate much on Facebook.

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I am a friendly to almost anyone I could possibly meet. But as a Facebook user, I consider to choose wise about who I'm gonna be friend with. At social there are a lot of fake accounts or dummy account that couldn't even help you or our community. I don't add those who I don't really know or I didn't even meet them personally not unless it was for business. It doesn't matter if they don't react to my post as long as they are not annoying me. It was good to be friendly but you must wise who you want to be friend with.

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To an extent, it is good that we delete some friends that don't really contribute to the things that we write. This is one of the ways that we can get to have a limited number of people that will always appreciate the things that we do as well.

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If my memory serves me right, about two weeks ago, I deleted about 800 inactive friends on my Facebook account.

It's useless having friends on Facebook who doesn't add any value to your account.

Why should I keep being friends with ghosts?

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Choosing the people in your network: My first social media account in facebook i have a lots of friends that i don't really know in person and it seems no sense at all unless interms of having a contest of counting of friends in social media. I made a new account and i already choose people I connect with me.

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There really is no need to have many friends or followers who aren't interested in what you post.

Maybe there was a time numbers did count when you wanted to appear more popular by having many friends but when if you are interested in promoting something on social media then you'll need to either let people find and add you as their friend (in their social media accounts) or add and follow people who you interact with in relevant groups because at least know you have similar interests.

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Seriously, it's very useless having 5000 Facebook friends and not have at least a minimum of 1000 traffic to all your important posts. Those 5000 friends aren't worth to be your friends at all.

Also having friends whom you aren't familiar with puts your account at the risk of getting hacked. Don't accept friends request from people you don't know well.

It's better to play safe when using social media accounts.

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I don't mind who my friends are in my social media. I'm more particular in friends who I've known personally. Anyways I'm not posting of what was happening in my life, I just use social media a way of communication, that's why I'm not bothered.

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I'm not using my Facebook account for business so I can afford to choose friends. I have less than 200 friends on my account. However, if you intend to use it to promote a product, service, or content later, it would be better to have more friends on your social media account. They may not react actively to your posts but they may also be lurking and reading your posts which is good enough if you're looking for traffic. The number of friends/followers on social media may also be used by third parties to assess your influence.

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It is true that the people you surround yourself with will greatly influence where you finally end up. I make it a point to be involved with people who share the same thoughts about life as I. What this means is, we will often discuss the same sibjects, engage in the same activities, and walk on the same path. It's easier to relate with such people and assess yourself based on the progress you are making between you all.

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