I have noticed that in the past few years, the world are amused in some nonsense dance craze, and songs. Does the world have lost their appetite in quality music? Does the same trend goes with the writers? I have seen ma...
I do believe that being a writer is not merely a career but it's more of a calling. I believe that God made writers to play an important role of making this world a better place. I believe we have a lot of various ways t...
We are already in the most awaited time of the year. During this season most people are happy and generous. We give gifts to our family and friends and sometimes extend a helping hand to the needy. Our world needs a lot ...
I have heard the term "I have arrived syndrome" when I attend to a Leadership seminar. The term means losing of appetite to grow more or be better after achieving their goals. Have you ever heard or experienced that synd...
This Christmas season, it's the season of giving and sharing. This Christmas I am planning to give a gift to my friend who is also a writer. I was wondering, what was the best gift for a writer this Christmas. What are y...
Life is a journey. Our life is like a roller coaster ride, sometimes your up, sometimes your down. Our life's journey is a wonderful story with a lot of lessons. Though it's not perfect but it's amazing. Our struggles an...
In my entire life, I have encountered a lot of wonderful and amazing books. I have also met some intriguing and interesting books that made me stay awake at night. I can say that books made a huge impact in me and so man...
Before I became a writer I was a book lover. I read a lot of wonderful and amazing books. I invested my younger years in the world created by the authors. I have learned a lot of things from them. However, there was one ...
In this present age where fake news are so rampant everywhere especially on social media sites, are those so-called writers who wrote fake news degrade the dignity and credibility of the writers as a whole? Can we still ...
As I was watching the animated movie "Ratatouille" I was struck by the words "anyone can cook." Is it the same with writing? Is anyone can write? Those were the words that I keep on asking. Nonetheless, we all know that ...
I love writing. I wrote booklets and books (but not yet published) specifically inspirational, leadership and Spiritual. My friends other Pastors and Ministers enjoy my work and used them in their ministry. I am encourag...
I admire a lot of writers especially those who authored inspirational and informative materials. I owe them a lot whether they're informative or inspirational. I am blessed to have the opportunity to read books of John M...