Hello there! I hope you've been following along to me 101+ content generation ideas so far and finding them useful! And today I have another one for you which will be just a short one to give you a tip and recommendation...
Hello and welcome to part two of my 21 Harsh But Eye-Opening Writing Tips From Great Authors. This time I;m going to post another 10 tips from famously great authors from time and paraphrase them again as to why they are...
If your website is a business website which sells things like products or services and you've been trading for a while already and done a lot of business with your buyers and clients then the chances are that you will ha...
Do you want to have your business recognised as one that's a positive influence by being shown to help out local charities (or even International ones) by spreading the word about their events that are taking place in yo...
Obviously guest posts are posts that have been submitted to you by other people. People that own sites and blogs that are in the same niche / industry as yours. And they aren't submitting them just so you can get some fr...
Hello and welcome to Content Generation Idea 22: Using Best Practices. Here we'll just delve into what it means to use best practices for content generation ideas and how you can actually do it for coming up with almost ...
You know, every industry has hotly debated topics, topics that are held in a lot of controversy, debate and dispute! I'm talking about controversies that are within your niche industry. Most industries have these hotly d...
No I'm not talking about taking questions from the public people and then answering them. Although with this content generation idea, you'll be using something that's called "Answer The Public" from answerthepublic.com a...
Infographics. How can infographics be used for content generation ideas? Have you ever seen an infographic!? They are "informational graphics". The clue is in the name. Infographics are perfect for coming up with content...
Meet Far Joe, he's fat with content ideas and can help you to quickly and easily come up with some astounding and awesome ideas for your next killer blog post or article, video and more! Fat Joe is a very easy to use onl...
Forum posting can sometimes become the same old and without much needed breaks when you are posting on forums you can sometimes get burned out and lose interest when posting on forums. I know from time to time I have ...
So you probably all know about Reddit by now. But you might not be so aware or familiar with Buffer and Flipboard? And here I want to talk a little about these three giant Internet sites and how you can utilize all of th...
We all enjoy posting on forums, I know I do but I will admit that I do prefer certain genres of forums over others when it comes to posting. I find that if I enjoy the genre of a forum I feel that my posting and my ideas...
I have been posting around forums for many years now and the one thing that I have noticed whenever I post on a forum is keeping those ideas flowing for new content can be a huge problem sometimes. I will on some occasio...
You know, a good newsletter can be invaluable as another way to monetize your website traffic and any website not collecting newsletter subscribers is leaving money on the table for me! And every other one of your compet...
These days, a high quality ad copy is vital for a successful online marketing campaign. It is up to the content writer to make sure that the company's message clearly gets across the target audience. This means tha...
When we do or going to start any work for any project. We all need to first do some RND with different people shared Case Studies related to your project. Case Studies from a long time to till is important and well a...
Almost anyone can write well after proper preparation. But, can you write on demand? That is, can you write something amazing on a moment's notice? I'm not talking about writing a quick reply to an email, but writing c...