
Answers from user aecel

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Hi everyone, I would like to ask for tips on how to improve my speaking skills. I am a very shy person and I know that I am lack of confidence speaking in front of the class. I just wanted to become a good speaker as wel...

  • bienn05
    bienn05 Level 1
  • 92 7 years ago

    In every day life we would see a lot of presentations and adverts what to you is easier to understand is it words or pictures/graphics?

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 95 7 years ago

    Hello and good day to everyone. A few weeks ago I saw an article in a forum where I am a member of (but I won't mention the name for privacy purposes) and realized that it is very similar to what I've written in another ...

  • jaybee19
    jaybee19 Level 1
  • 83 7 years ago

    Obsolete words are words which are no longer being used actively in writing. The main difference between an obsolete word and an archaic word is that obsolete words is that it's a relatively newer word which has falle...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 118 7 years ago

    Have anyone of you heard about the Butterfly Effect, some call it The Mandela Effect. This is when people could remember an event in the past that never really happened. A good example is Nelson Mandela, a lot of peo...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 77 7 years ago

    Needing some help over here. As a bilingual freelancer, I'm always searching for sites that can offer a good bilingual job opportunity. Also, if that job is related to health/medical area, that's my thing for sure. So I ...

  • ballyhara
    ballyhara Level 1
  • 67 7 years ago

    Some writers use their real names in writing content while others use Pseudonyms. Pseudonyms, Nom De Plume, Pen Names, Aliases are fictitious names commonly used by Authors. What does one benefit from doing so...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 84 7 years ago

    I've been wanting to hear other people's views on how to improve their Writing skills. There's lots of ways of doing it, like by reading a lot of books and magazine articles. I want to know yours.

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 121 7 years ago

    I can't understand the difference between Poetry and Prose, to me their just the same. I consider Prose as just a form of Poetry, while others say on the contrary. But when you show them a piece of Poetry they'll s...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 37 7 years ago

    Interviews has been one of the bases nowadays whether have successfully met the standards of the CEOs, HR Staff, Director, Manager, etc. You need to be firm and proper whenever answering their respective questions. Some ...

  • Jral14
    Jral14 Level 1
  • 57 7 years ago

    I was looking in my old files and I found my old resumes circa 20 years back. I noticed that I have made about 7 resumes in different time periods. Some where 1 and 2 pagers and the longest was about 6 pages. I wou...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 56 7 years ago

    I like to write and get immense joy when I come across forums where I get to showcase my writing prowess. Ofcourse I will not write if I am not paid and that I will do in my blog. There are forums where there is nothin...

  • iamawriter
    iamawriter Level 1
  • 69 7 years ago

    So most of the time I lack inspiration where to get my content. I don't want to write with the same content, as it will limit my ability to write. Most of the time I find inspiration with the movies and videos that I wat...

  • vivalavanda
    vivalavanda Level 1
  • 89 7 years ago

    Since I have started posting in forums such as this, I have learned so much about freelancing, SEO, online businesses, writing content, etc. (the list could go on). What are some of the most important things that you hav...

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 71 7 years ago

    I think the term "ghost writers" is known to everyone who likes to write, but in any case... "Ghost Writers" are anonymous writers who are hired to write stories on behalf of other people (usually famous people who only ...

  • wiseagent
    wiseagent Level 1
  • 46 8 years ago

    What is you favorite word and why? I am fascinated with vocabulary and why people gravitate towards certain words and phrases, so tell me what word really speaks to you.

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 44 8 years ago

    I'm sure most of us still remember how we got our first official job back in the day. And no matter what age were you in during that time, for sure you still remember how happy and fulfilling it was to finally have a job...

  • galegatling
    galegatling Level 1
  • 43 8 years ago

    Forum posting can sometimes become the same old and without much needed breaks when you are posting on forums you can sometimes get burned out and lose interest when posting on forums. I know from time to time I have ...

  • Shortie861
    Shortie861 Level 1
  • 42 8 years ago

    Firstly what is manageflitter and don't I mean manage filter. Nope it is actually called this and it is a great website for managing your twitter account. You can use it for free as well with upgrade options of course....

  • keen2write
    keen2write Level 1
  • 11 8 years ago

    How to grow from a knowledge point of view? Knowledge! Besides what we have learned in our college, it's just the tip of an iceberg, for an instance, we have learned about marketing, management, business law in colleg...

  • OptimismSEO
    OptimismSEO Level 1
  • 20 8 years ago

    For me I love forum posting this as many benefits such as make and meet new friends and learn new things every time. You can easy make a name for your self and find others come to you for advice depending on how much you...

  • keen2write
    keen2write Level 1
  • 19 8 years ago