
Answers from user TheInsaneSakif

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I am a person that love to read books. I read e-books too that has a topic that caught my attention. But I always wanted to make an effort to buy a physical book and read it more than just an e-book. I enjoy reading it e...

  • MomoStarr16
    MomoStarr16 Level 1
  • 75 7 years ago

    What books do you have on your list to read at some point? I have a ton, but the three I'd like to get to really soon are: 1. All Quiet on the Western Front by Elrich Remarque 2. I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream ...

    59 7 years ago

    I've been working as a Training Facilitator for my day job. I always find it hard to make everybody understand what are the content of my modules. Some prefer listening attentively to me, and some like to read it while I...

  • JBFernandez
    JBFernandez Level 1
  • 88 7 years ago

    For me, having a girl main character will be hard. It will make me hard to establish her as a main character. But if I will make a boy as my main character, it is easy for me to make a back story about him. How bout you ...

  • MomoStarr16
    MomoStarr16 Level 1
  • 69 7 years ago

    I've been wanting to hear other people's views on how to improve their Writing skills. There's lots of ways of doing it, like by reading a lot of books and magazine articles. I want to know yours.

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 121 7 years ago

    I like to write and get immense joy when I come across forums where I get to showcase my writing prowess. Ofcourse I will not write if I am not paid and that I will do in my blog. There are forums where there is nothin...

  • iamawriter
    iamawriter Level 1
  • 69 7 years ago

    So most of the time I lack inspiration where to get my content. I don't want to write with the same content, as it will limit my ability to write. Most of the time I find inspiration with the movies and videos that I wat...

  • vivalavanda
    vivalavanda Level 1
  • 89 7 years ago

    Since I have started posting in forums such as this, I have learned so much about freelancing, SEO, online businesses, writing content, etc. (the list could go on). What are some of the most important things that you hav...

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 71 7 years ago

    With the way texting is done on mobiles it is bound to destroy whatever one learnt while at school. With that background forums that expect good English will not have a place for such 'candidates' However one can get...

  • iamawriter
    iamawriter Level 1
  • 53 7 years ago

    Thank you everyone for suggesting me to write a resume for a housewife. I had sent out my resume as a housewife for 10 years, being truthful instead of hiding away the real fact. However, out of 7 jobs that I had applied...

  • peachpurple
    peachpurple Level 1
  • 72 7 years ago

    There is so much on line now that how anyone gets read enough to gain notice is beyond me. How can a writer who has never been published rise above the clamoring horde that chokes the internet daily? Each day new art...

  • LeJayJ
    LeJayJ Level 1
  • 51 7 years ago

    Within the world of the arts, one of the major concerns surrounding artists is plagiarism. Even if you're not a famous artist, the idea that someone can - literally - steal your idea and take advantage of it without givi...

  • wiseagent
    wiseagent Level 1
  • 53 8 years ago

    The act of judging a book by its cover or its synopsis unfortunately is still something very common anywhere in the world. Obviously this is a big mistake because we end up missing the opportunity to read great storie...

  • wiseagent
    wiseagent Level 1
  • 57 8 years ago

    We've all had our fair share of embarrassments whether if it's with friends or families, or in a public place. I can't think of someone that I know (or don't know in this case) who doesn't have at least one or two embarr...

  • galegatling
    galegatling Level 1
  • 48 8 years ago

    What inspires you to write? Have you ever thought about it? Writing is not always such an easy task because sometimes one of the most important aspects simply doesn't come for us: inspiration (and all the writers who ...

  • wiseagent
    wiseagent Level 1
  • 62 8 years ago

    Whenever you ask a well-known writer if they ever had any inspiration that made them begin writing, they usually answer yes. Initial inspirations very often have a big impact on the writers future work. It can be seen as...

  • Tronia
    Tronia Level 1
  • 62 8 years ago

    I have been a freelancer for a few years now. I make decent money and am happy with what I do. Granted, I do not leave my house to go to a job, but I work extremely hard at what I do. On of my biggest pet peeves is th...

  • brownie
    brownie Level 1
  • 21 8 years ago

    I am a reader, I can remember my mother teaching me to read and the absolute joy I found in being able to read stories to myself. I can remember going to the library with my mom and my sisters and all of use choosing boo...

  • Lynne
    Lynne Level 1
  • 27 8 years ago

    I find this an interesting topic. There are some posts I read that drop the F-bomb left, right and center and then there are some people that say you must never ever swear when you write content. I am just interested...

  • Lynne
    Lynne Level 1
  • 27 8 years ago