
Answers from user YoloBoy Page 2

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I usually don't read sad books. For me, it's hard enough to watch a sad movie. And in books the emotions, sadness, the tears are much stronger so I just avoid them. But a couple years ago I couldn't resist reading a ...

65 6 years ago

One of the most important thing to a writer is changing peoples' feelings after they read something he/she wrote. I am just interested in your opinion! Is that change important to you? Have you ever changed after reading...

49 6 years ago

Before I became a writer I was a book lover. I read a lot of wonderful and amazing books. I invested my younger years in the world created by the authors. I have learned a lot of things from them. However, there was one ...

35 6 years ago

In this present age where fake news are so rampant everywhere especially on social media sites, are those so-called writers who wrote fake news degrade the dignity and credibility of the writers as a whole? Can we still ...

428 6 years ago

As I was watching the animated movie "Ratatouille" I was struck by the words "anyone can cook." Is it the same with writing? Is anyone can write? Those were the words that I keep on asking. Nonetheless, we all know that ...

81 6 years ago

We all know that making a sensible writing is not in any way a walk in the park. At most times, you have to get the most out of the motivation within you to start writing your article. I myself can't make a good start wh...

  • andyryse
    andyryse Level 1
  • 99 6 years ago

    What is the main concern and tool used when one wants to translate from Chinese to English?

  • cks003
    cks003 Level 1
  • 56 6 years ago

    When it comes to making contents, I have never felt pressured. I always try to ensure that I make contents that are easy for my audience to understand. In the same way, I play a lot with words considering that I write on...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 71 6 years ago

    Holloween, All Souls Day, Day of the Dead, it will all happen in a few days time. And during this season one thing is common, fear. Not in a bad way but in a novelty kind of way. With all the scary decorations and ...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 179 6 years ago

    When I started writing articles, the first rule that I always follow is checking if my article is nice to read. We should be writing for our readers and not for ourselves nor for the money. What is the use of the article...

  • Corzhens
    Corzhens Level 1
  • 40 6 years ago

    From my writing experience, I'm very certain that 80% of all writers have faced this situation of getting frustrated with a particular content or article writing. Some might even have to suspend completing the writing. ...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 1
  • 74 6 years ago

    I use Facebook a lot. I check on my newsfeed everyday. And recently, I have seen a lot of articles posted by different pages that have become viral. These articles (which, in all honesty, aren't even very well written) h...

  • limberg
    limberg Level 1
  • 72 6 years ago

    It’s really easy for someone to make an accusation of plagiarism nowadays. That thought makes it harder for people to borrow ideas from others when they are creating content for their websites. When the Hunger ...

  • Jeane
    Jeane Level 1
  • 99 7 years ago

    What was your first freelance job? How did you land it, what did it entail, what type of work was it? I'm someone who is just starting out and trying to make my own way in the freelance world, so I'd really appreciate a...

  • Iblissian
    Iblissian Level 1
  • 173 7 years ago

    Do you agree that only popular writers earn good money in the industry of writing? When JK Rowling hit it big with her Harry Potter series she could definitely retire in comfort. But how about the mediocre writers in ter...

  • Corzhens
    Corzhens Level 1
  • 75 7 years ago

    Do you maintain a Bucket List? What are some of the things to do on your list?

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 92 7 years ago

    I guess this mostly applies to fiction writers... When you have an idea, how much planning do you do before you start writing? Do you map out characters, dates, places, etc? If so, just a little bit of info, or full bios...

  • allmadhere
    allmadhere Level 1
  • 61 7 years ago

    Have anyone of you heard about the Butterfly Effect, some call it The Mandela Effect. This is when people could remember an event in the past that never really happened. A good example is Nelson Mandela, a lot of peo...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 77 7 years ago

    We all draw inspiration from somewhere, and if we're avid writers, I feel like our inspiration often comes from other authors. So who's your favorite author? What about their work inspires your writing? Are they a publis...

    52 8 years ago

    I have got so many favorite writers that I could probably write a book on all the authors I enjoy, there are so many brilliant writers around, who are your favorite authors? This can be for books, blogs or any writer...

  • Lynne
    Lynne Level 1
  • 20 8 years ago